Candace's Photography Blog Has Moved... The Banks Bunch blog is still here....

I have decided that it would be best to move my photography blog to a new site...I will continue to post family updates at this blog.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Chewbacca, The Penny Trick, and the Bugs That Scare Thee...

I found these cute little clips that we took of the boys before Kelly deployed two months ago...I'll put a little background description below each video...

Pretty much since Brendan was born, he's been able to make this gurgling sound in his throat that we've always said sounds like Chewbacca...well, we finally got it on video...

The second video is of this random man who was traveling through Abilene who befriended us and the kiddos and did the penny trick on Corbin...Corbin got such a kick out of it that we had to video it...

The last video is of Kelly and the boys at Jacob's Dream...Kelly had found some bugs and was "bugging" aka "scaring" the boys with them...I guess I might be a mean mom, but it was really pretty funny so I videoed it...the part I got on video wasn't as funny as the part I didn't catch, but you get the drift...

1 comment:

Olivia said...

I totally remember that gurggling noise he made. How funny! I seriously didn't know tomaoes could do that was a surprise for sure!